Thursday 30 May 2013

What is Unlawful killing

The following letter was published in The West Australian today, in response to Sayid A.Nabi's letter concerning the murder of the British soldier in England.

Salyid A.Nabi ‘s letter “Don’t blame faith” The West Australian 28 May states – ‘Unlawful killing is forbidden by the Koran and the Prophet’.

The Koran is full of verses on slaughter and killing. Mohammad directly participated in, and organised the slaughter of thousands of innocent people who did not agree with his ideas. Mohammad is quoted as saying ‘I have been made victorious with terror’. The Koran promotes torture to death for those who do not agree with Islam (Surah 69/30-35).

Surah 5/33 states:  For those who wage war on Allah or make mischief in the land [making mischief includes disagreeing with Sharia law or speaking against Islam] shall be murdered, crucified or cut up.

 If the above is lawful killing then what is unlawful killing?

The verse which is against killing is Surah 5/32, and this verse is often quoted to show Islam is a religion of peace. It states that ‘if he kills one it is as if he has killed all mankind’. Curiously this statement is ordained specifically for the people of Israel, not the rest of us.

The Koran and the Prophet have always condoned murder for the cause of Allah.