Monday 24 June 2013

The Muslim Brotherhood

Not as nice as the name infers.

Barack Obama says we must embrace the Muslim Brotherhood to support their democratic ways in the Middle East. Rudderless Kevin Rudd in Australia says we should support the Brotherhood albeit with caution. No doubt other western nations have made similar embracing comments.

Well done the Muslim Brotherhood, your strategy of establishing a world Islamic caliphate is working.

The Muslim Brotherhood was established in 1928 in Egypt, and is arguably the most influential Islamic movement in the world.

Its founder Hassan al-Banna said: "It is the nature of Islam to dominate not to be dominated, to impose its law -Quaran, sunnah, i.e Sharia - on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet."
Their motto is "Allah is our objective. The prophet-Mohammad-is our leader. Quaran-sharia-is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."
Wikepedia says the Brotherhood seeks to isolate women and non-muslims from public life, among other objectives.
Hassan al-Banna was a devout admirer of Hitler, as was the Mufti of Jerusalem. Why many muslims are deniers of the holocaust is surprising, since they were enthusiastic supporters of Nazi Germany's plans to exterminate the Jews.

The Brotherhood created the terrorist group Hamas, and are enthusiastic supporters of Al-Quaida. Their attempted, and often successful, political assassinations caused them to be banned and suppressed in many Muslim countries. Notably Egypt, where they now rule; and Syria, where they support the rebels. When Anwar Saddat of Egypt signed the peace deal with Israel in 1979, the Brotherhood orchestrated his assassination some 2 years later. In 2012 they joined with the ultra-conservative Salafi-al-nour party to write the new Egyptian constitution. No wonder Israel is concerned, not to mention the young Egyptian liberals.

If you thought the above was grounds for concern, read on...

In an effort to appear more moderate to the West the Brotherhood removed certain bye-laws from their English language website, but left the bye-laws in the Arabic version. What do/did the bye-laws cover? - Establishing Islamic/sharia law across the world.

Now it gets worse

Brotherhood policy documents obtained some years ago by certain institutions reveal a policy of :


Recognising that Islam was not strong enough to take over the West by force, they developed a policy of 'Gradualism' - takeover from within. The policy would be to appear moderate and democratic - democracy is a total anathema to Islam - to the West. They would infiltrate the West's (specifically America's) institutions, with moderate appearing muslims, until over time they had enough influence to dominate these institutions and eventually the whole country and the world.

Gradualism is obviously working, as Barack Obama says we must embrace the Brotherhood and work with them. Dining with the devil is one way of looking at this.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a very nasty, and influential Islamic movement.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Federal Parliamentary enquiry into Multiculturalism March 2013

This is a long report as all these reports are, and typical of bureauspeak we have on the one hand this and on the other that, so continue with the present system. Therefore the writers cannot be blamed for anything in the report.

Chapter 4 covers “Religious diversity: questions about Islam”

It starts with the Scanlon Foundation Survey which is interesting:

  •          91% of respondents believe in maintaining the Australian way of life

  •         12% of migrants report of some form of discrimination in 2012, but nearly three times  31% of Muslims report some discrimination.

  •          Asylum issues now rank third in importance to respondents after the economy and government. In 2011 7%said asylum issues were their main concern, in 2012 this is now 12%

  •          23% had strong negative feelings to people from Iraq and Lebanon

  •          25% of respondents were negative to the Muslim faith

  •          40% of respondents have very or somewhat negative feelings towards Muslims. This feeling was particularly strong with older people>65yrs, lower education standards, people in financial trouble, residents of Queensland and WA, those outside capital cities and third generation Australians.

Overall Australians are at ease with religious diversity but one in four are uncomfortable with Islam.

Of the 513 submissions received for the whole report, 212 raised concerns or discussed Islam in Australia. 80% of these 212 submissions plus 30 others, maintained that Australia is a Christian country, and should not accommodate other value systems. Respondents believed that Multiculturalism in advocating respect for cultural and religious diversity, supports ethnic separation.

AFIC the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, submitted that Islamic law is changeable,( i.e. not locked in), according to the requirements of different places and times, and therefore suits the values shared by Australian people.

My comment to this is that AFIC is lying and being devious, look what has happened in Europe. The Koran the word of God and the Hadith,  cannot be changed.

The question of Halal certification was not central to the enquiry, but may warrant further investigation.

The report received submissions that Islamic immigration in Europe and Australia are different, and should not be compared. My realiastic view is grow up, Islam is Islam. However, the Tasmanian government urged caution, and that practical policies should support full social and economic participation.

There were several recommendations to continue with interfaith dialogue and support programmes but also to explain that the benefits of cultural diversity be matched with respect for Australian law and values.  Some respondents submitted  that it was marginalisation from mainstream Australia that raised the threat of terrorism not multiculturalism.

The conclusions:

Multiculturalism is an indisputable success story for Australia.

The Galbally report April 1978 “the view of post arrival programmes and services to migration” reports the vision, that multiculturalism respects diversity and fosters engagement with Australian values, identity and citizenship. Within the framework of Australian laws. My view is that this vision is irrelevant now that we have Muslim rather than Christian immigrants.

There is mention of a policy of social inclusion, rights, responsibilities, and obligations. However the report overall gives Government the option to do absolutely nothing to allay the concerns of 25% of the population, and continue with a policy of appeasement.