Tuesday 30 July 2013

The brave new world

Aldous Huxley got it wrong. Our new Islamic world?

As encouraged by the Islamics and our socialist left, this is how it could occur if we do not resist.

  • They (the Muslims) come from a very different culture, so we must learn to adapt our systems to make it easier for them to feel comfortable and happy.
  • We must tone down our institutions like Christmas trees, carols and Easter eggs. We must be sensitive to our tradition of pride in our flag and our military. Anzac day and Afghanistan may offend them.
  • We must make our services more acceptable to them: prayer rooms at work, halal kitchens, special foods, sharia compliant medical treatment of women, separate eating areas, separate days or partitions in  swimming pools.
  • We must sympathise with the poor Palestinians, and treat the evil Israelis with caution or even segregation, divestment and hatred.
  • We must be more inclusive and  sympathise that the vast majority over 90% of Muslim immigrants, do not have a job or want one after 5 years in this country. We must understand that Muslims feel disenfranchised and commit vast amounts of crime.
  • We are at fault that many hate with a passion, us, our culture and our values.
  • We must support our leaders in apologising for all their hate and crime, it is not their fault but ours, that they feel marginalises and alienated.
What do the Muslims have to do, absolutely nothing except to take advantage of our multicultural policy of segregation, enjoy our welfare, and make no effort to accept Australian values of fairness, gender equality, freedom of speech and democracy.
  • Any criticism of Islam, even hostile glances, or anything considered Islamophobic will be illegal, punishable by jail. All this done under the auspices of various human rights commissions. The end of freedom of speech.
  • The number of islamic shops will grow in suburbs like Lakemba in NSW. They will build more and more mosques, and they will openly and aggressively promote their religion culture and Ideology.
  • They will outbreed the local population and introduce polygamy, allowing even more to live off welfare. Crime will rocket and we will pour more money into their ghettos to help the 'disenfranchised'.
  • The local population will move out of their homes in "Muslim" suburbs for fear. "Their" suburbs will become more Islamic and the non muslims will fear to enter "their" suburbs.
  • They will obtain seats on local councils, and exert more pressure for the Islamic way. Sharia law for marriage, domestic disputes and death will creep in, followed by more demanding Sharia law. Sharia finance will grow. More halal certification for everything. No drinking areas, no council Christmas signs, no Easter, no Anzac parade.
  • Men and women in segregated meeting rooms. Prayer rooms. Separate toilets for Muslims. Separate lower hygiene rules for Muslim nurses in hospitals- wash up rules relaxed- and the local population will turn a blind eye because it is their culture..
  • They will grow in numbers and  politicians particularly left wing ones, will bend over backwards to obtain their vote. We/Australia now have a federal parliamentary front bencher who is Muslim, with blatant hypocrisy he swore allegiance to Australia on the Koran.  More Sharia laws will be introduced and our laws abandoned. The rate of crime, and particularly rape will rise even further and Police and fire brigades will fear to enter "their" suburbs. This is terribly common throughout Europe, France has over 800 no go zones, called politically sensitive areas.
  • More Islamic practices will occur in Hospitals and most importantly schools. Non Muslim children will be taught "the religion of peace"  and Christian values and symbols will be removed. School texts will be vetted to ensure they comply with Sharia.
  • The so called peace loving moderate Islamics will obtain more seats in parliament. They will demand their way and we the people of Australia will bend over backwards to help these poor people assimilate, something they will not do.
  • More Sharia, our values will be bent further to accommodate sharia -Islam cannot bend- our rules, customs, values, separation of the powers, democracy, certainly freedom of speech and association, will be totally devalued. Prayers will be called from the minarets, and Imams will speak of their rights
  • As Islamisation devalues our culture, and crime is out of control, a huge brain drain will occur, as those who can will emigrate from our country.-Just like England now. It will become completely wrong not to embrace all the culture of Islam and

              Our free western lifestyle has gone, replaced by totalitarian Islam, because we did not fight.

Friday 19 July 2013

Are banks our new moral guardians?

Banks seem to think so

Are banks our new moral guardians? Many people have the opposite view, that they are morally corrupt. However two recent cases indicate that they are acting as some sort of moral or political controllers.

Earlier this year, Geert Wilders a democratically elected member of the Parliament of the Netherlands, and currently leader of the largest parliamentary party in the government of the Netherlands, visited Australia. He was invited to Australia to talk on Islam in Europe, and the European lesson for Australia.

Now many people disagree with his views, and many agree with his views, as is their respective rights. The Federal government granted him a visa to visit Australia.

Q Society the inviting body tried to open a merchant facility with Westpac Bank, in order for tickets for his talk to be sold. The bank refused to open a facility, stating that it was inappropriate.

The other day in Sydney, a fledgling right wing political party the “Party for Freedom” tried to open a merchant facility with the Commonwealth and Westpac  banks. Their request was refused, one reason given by the Commonwealth bank was ‘The type of business operation’. But ‘The party for Freedom’ is a political party, which was launched early this year, and is trying to get established. Again many will disagree with its policies, and many will agree with its policies, but it is a legal entity. I do not agree with some of the policies of the Labor and Liberal parties, but I do not propose that they cannot have a bank account. This is a democratic country.

So why then are the banks trying to determine what views are right and what views are wrong? If the body applying for a facility is illegal or banned, then they should refuse, but the two parties mentioned here are not illegal or banned, quite the contrary.

It is not the role of the banks  to interfere with democracy and the freedom of expression, nor should they attempt to influence what is ‘politically correct’ and what is not. They, of all people should not try to act as our moral guardians.