Tuesday 30 July 2013

The brave new world

Aldous Huxley got it wrong. Our new Islamic world?

As encouraged by the Islamics and our socialist left, this is how it could occur if we do not resist.

  • They (the Muslims) come from a very different culture, so we must learn to adapt our systems to make it easier for them to feel comfortable and happy.
  • We must tone down our institutions like Christmas trees, carols and Easter eggs. We must be sensitive to our tradition of pride in our flag and our military. Anzac day and Afghanistan may offend them.
  • We must make our services more acceptable to them: prayer rooms at work, halal kitchens, special foods, sharia compliant medical treatment of women, separate eating areas, separate days or partitions in  swimming pools.
  • We must sympathise with the poor Palestinians, and treat the evil Israelis with caution or even segregation, divestment and hatred.
  • We must be more inclusive and  sympathise that the vast majority over 90% of Muslim immigrants, do not have a job or want one after 5 years in this country. We must understand that Muslims feel disenfranchised and commit vast amounts of crime.
  • We are at fault that many hate with a passion, us, our culture and our values.
  • We must support our leaders in apologising for all their hate and crime, it is not their fault but ours, that they feel marginalises and alienated.
What do the Muslims have to do, absolutely nothing except to take advantage of our multicultural policy of segregation, enjoy our welfare, and make no effort to accept Australian values of fairness, gender equality, freedom of speech and democracy.
  • Any criticism of Islam, even hostile glances, or anything considered Islamophobic will be illegal, punishable by jail. All this done under the auspices of various human rights commissions. The end of freedom of speech.
  • The number of islamic shops will grow in suburbs like Lakemba in NSW. They will build more and more mosques, and they will openly and aggressively promote their religion culture and Ideology.
  • They will outbreed the local population and introduce polygamy, allowing even more to live off welfare. Crime will rocket and we will pour more money into their ghettos to help the 'disenfranchised'.
  • The local population will move out of their homes in "Muslim" suburbs for fear. "Their" suburbs will become more Islamic and the non muslims will fear to enter "their" suburbs.
  • They will obtain seats on local councils, and exert more pressure for the Islamic way. Sharia law for marriage, domestic disputes and death will creep in, followed by more demanding Sharia law. Sharia finance will grow. More halal certification for everything. No drinking areas, no council Christmas signs, no Easter, no Anzac parade.
  • Men and women in segregated meeting rooms. Prayer rooms. Separate toilets for Muslims. Separate lower hygiene rules for Muslim nurses in hospitals- wash up rules relaxed- and the local population will turn a blind eye because it is their culture..
  • They will grow in numbers and  politicians particularly left wing ones, will bend over backwards to obtain their vote. We/Australia now have a federal parliamentary front bencher who is Muslim, with blatant hypocrisy he swore allegiance to Australia on the Koran.  More Sharia laws will be introduced and our laws abandoned. The rate of crime, and particularly rape will rise even further and Police and fire brigades will fear to enter "their" suburbs. This is terribly common throughout Europe, France has over 800 no go zones, called politically sensitive areas.
  • More Islamic practices will occur in Hospitals and most importantly schools. Non Muslim children will be taught "the religion of peace"  and Christian values and symbols will be removed. School texts will be vetted to ensure they comply with Sharia.
  • The so called peace loving moderate Islamics will obtain more seats in parliament. They will demand their way and we the people of Australia will bend over backwards to help these poor people assimilate, something they will not do.
  • More Sharia, our values will be bent further to accommodate sharia -Islam cannot bend- our rules, customs, values, separation of the powers, democracy, certainly freedom of speech and association, will be totally devalued. Prayers will be called from the minarets, and Imams will speak of their rights
  • As Islamisation devalues our culture, and crime is out of control, a huge brain drain will occur, as those who can will emigrate from our country.-Just like England now. It will become completely wrong not to embrace all the culture of Islam and

              Our free western lifestyle has gone, replaced by totalitarian Islam, because we did not fight.

Friday 19 July 2013

Are banks our new moral guardians?

Banks seem to think so

Are banks our new moral guardians? Many people have the opposite view, that they are morally corrupt. However two recent cases indicate that they are acting as some sort of moral or political controllers.

Earlier this year, Geert Wilders a democratically elected member of the Parliament of the Netherlands, and currently leader of the largest parliamentary party in the government of the Netherlands, visited Australia. He was invited to Australia to talk on Islam in Europe, and the European lesson for Australia.

Now many people disagree with his views, and many agree with his views, as is their respective rights. The Federal government granted him a visa to visit Australia.

Q Society the inviting body tried to open a merchant facility with Westpac Bank, in order for tickets for his talk to be sold. The bank refused to open a facility, stating that it was inappropriate.

The other day in Sydney, a fledgling right wing political party the “Party for Freedom” tried to open a merchant facility with the Commonwealth and Westpac  banks. Their request was refused, one reason given by the Commonwealth bank was ‘The type of business operation’. But ‘The party for Freedom’ is a political party, which was launched early this year, and is trying to get established. Again many will disagree with its policies, and many will agree with its policies, but it is a legal entity. I do not agree with some of the policies of the Labor and Liberal parties, but I do not propose that they cannot have a bank account. This is a democratic country.

So why then are the banks trying to determine what views are right and what views are wrong? If the body applying for a facility is illegal or banned, then they should refuse, but the two parties mentioned here are not illegal or banned, quite the contrary.

It is not the role of the banks  to interfere with democracy and the freedom of expression, nor should they attempt to influence what is ‘politically correct’ and what is not. They, of all people should not try to act as our moral guardians.

Monday 24 June 2013

The Muslim Brotherhood

Not as nice as the name infers.

Barack Obama says we must embrace the Muslim Brotherhood to support their democratic ways in the Middle East. Rudderless Kevin Rudd in Australia says we should support the Brotherhood albeit with caution. No doubt other western nations have made similar embracing comments.

Well done the Muslim Brotherhood, your strategy of establishing a world Islamic caliphate is working.

The Muslim Brotherhood was established in 1928 in Egypt, and is arguably the most influential Islamic movement in the world.

Its founder Hassan al-Banna said: "It is the nature of Islam to dominate not to be dominated, to impose its law -Quaran, sunnah, i.e Sharia - on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet."
Their motto is "Allah is our objective. The prophet-Mohammad-is our leader. Quaran-sharia-is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."
Wikepedia says the Brotherhood seeks to isolate women and non-muslims from public life, among other objectives.
Hassan al-Banna was a devout admirer of Hitler, as was the Mufti of Jerusalem. Why many muslims are deniers of the holocaust is surprising, since they were enthusiastic supporters of Nazi Germany's plans to exterminate the Jews.

The Brotherhood created the terrorist group Hamas, and are enthusiastic supporters of Al-Quaida. Their attempted, and often successful, political assassinations caused them to be banned and suppressed in many Muslim countries. Notably Egypt, where they now rule; and Syria, where they support the rebels. When Anwar Saddat of Egypt signed the peace deal with Israel in 1979, the Brotherhood orchestrated his assassination some 2 years later. In 2012 they joined with the ultra-conservative Salafi-al-nour party to write the new Egyptian constitution. No wonder Israel is concerned, not to mention the young Egyptian liberals.

If you thought the above was grounds for concern, read on...

In an effort to appear more moderate to the West the Brotherhood removed certain bye-laws from their English language website, but left the bye-laws in the Arabic version. What do/did the bye-laws cover? - Establishing Islamic/sharia law across the world.

Now it gets worse

Brotherhood policy documents obtained some years ago by certain institutions reveal a policy of :


Recognising that Islam was not strong enough to take over the West by force, they developed a policy of 'Gradualism' - takeover from within. The policy would be to appear moderate and democratic - democracy is a total anathema to Islam - to the West. They would infiltrate the West's (specifically America's) institutions, with moderate appearing muslims, until over time they had enough influence to dominate these institutions and eventually the whole country and the world.

Gradualism is obviously working, as Barack Obama says we must embrace the Brotherhood and work with them. Dining with the devil is one way of looking at this.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a very nasty, and influential Islamic movement.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Federal Parliamentary enquiry into Multiculturalism March 2013

This is a long report as all these reports are, and typical of bureauspeak we have on the one hand this and on the other that, so continue with the present system. Therefore the writers cannot be blamed for anything in the report.

Chapter 4 covers “Religious diversity: questions about Islam”

It starts with the Scanlon Foundation Survey which is interesting:

  •          91% of respondents believe in maintaining the Australian way of life

  •         12% of migrants report of some form of discrimination in 2012, but nearly three times  31% of Muslims report some discrimination.

  •          Asylum issues now rank third in importance to respondents after the economy and government. In 2011 7%said asylum issues were their main concern, in 2012 this is now 12%

  •          23% had strong negative feelings to people from Iraq and Lebanon

  •          25% of respondents were negative to the Muslim faith

  •          40% of respondents have very or somewhat negative feelings towards Muslims. This feeling was particularly strong with older people>65yrs, lower education standards, people in financial trouble, residents of Queensland and WA, those outside capital cities and third generation Australians.

Overall Australians are at ease with religious diversity but one in four are uncomfortable with Islam.

Of the 513 submissions received for the whole report, 212 raised concerns or discussed Islam in Australia. 80% of these 212 submissions plus 30 others, maintained that Australia is a Christian country, and should not accommodate other value systems. Respondents believed that Multiculturalism in advocating respect for cultural and religious diversity, supports ethnic separation.

AFIC the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, submitted that Islamic law is changeable,( i.e. not locked in), according to the requirements of different places and times, and therefore suits the values shared by Australian people.

My comment to this is that AFIC is lying and being devious, look what has happened in Europe. The Koran the word of God and the Hadith,  cannot be changed.

The question of Halal certification was not central to the enquiry, but may warrant further investigation.

The report received submissions that Islamic immigration in Europe and Australia are different, and should not be compared. My realiastic view is grow up, Islam is Islam. However, the Tasmanian government urged caution, and that practical policies should support full social and economic participation.

There were several recommendations to continue with interfaith dialogue and support programmes but also to explain that the benefits of cultural diversity be matched with respect for Australian law and values.  Some respondents submitted  that it was marginalisation from mainstream Australia that raised the threat of terrorism not multiculturalism.

The conclusions:

Multiculturalism is an indisputable success story for Australia.

The Galbally report April 1978 “the view of post arrival programmes and services to migration” reports the vision, that multiculturalism respects diversity and fosters engagement with Australian values, identity and citizenship. Within the framework of Australian laws. My view is that this vision is irrelevant now that we have Muslim rather than Christian immigrants.

There is mention of a policy of social inclusion, rights, responsibilities, and obligations. However the report overall gives Government the option to do absolutely nothing to allay the concerns of 25% of the population, and continue with a policy of appeasement.

Thursday 30 May 2013

What is Unlawful killing

The following letter was published in The West Australian today, in response to Sayid A.Nabi's letter concerning the murder of the British soldier in England.

Salyid A.Nabi ‘s letter “Don’t blame faith” The West Australian 28 May states – ‘Unlawful killing is forbidden by the Koran and the Prophet’.

The Koran is full of verses on slaughter and killing. Mohammad directly participated in, and organised the slaughter of thousands of innocent people who did not agree with his ideas. Mohammad is quoted as saying ‘I have been made victorious with terror’. The Koran promotes torture to death for those who do not agree with Islam (Surah 69/30-35).

Surah 5/33 states:  For those who wage war on Allah or make mischief in the land [making mischief includes disagreeing with Sharia law or speaking against Islam] shall be murdered, crucified or cut up.

 If the above is lawful killing then what is unlawful killing?

The verse which is against killing is Surah 5/32, and this verse is often quoted to show Islam is a religion of peace. It states that ‘if he kills one it is as if he has killed all mankind’. Curiously this statement is ordained specifically for the people of Israel, not the rest of us.

The Koran and the Prophet have always condoned murder for the cause of Allah.

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Shame on you our young women.

On 13 April a lecture was given at the University of Melbourne on Islamic Jihad in Syria. It was held in a University lecture theatre by an Islamic group.
At the entrance was a sign:

"Sisters to the back, Brothers to the front"

That is called sexual segregation. There was a time when Australian women students would have opposed this segregation, but not now apparently.
What would have happened if an organisation had been giving a lecture on say colonial wars and had a sign at the entrance :

"Blacks to the back, Whites to the front"

There would have been a huge uproar.

The university's gender politics professor Sheila Jeffreys said "There needs to be great outrage over this", "It is a new practice in Australia" Where was the student outrage? The sign was not obligatory and a few blokes sat with the sisters, but absolutely no sisters sat with the blokes, and no  women protested about the segregation. Professor Jeffries said it should have been a Rosa Parks moment, but it was not.
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in the coloured section of a bus in Alabama, USA in 1955, to a white passenger. Her arrest and subsequent boycott of the bus company led one year later to the court determining that seating segregation on buses was unconstitutional in the USA. A major victory for human rights.

This is not the only lecture given on the University campus by an Islamic organisation that promoted gender segregation. On 10 March the IREA (Islamic Research and Education Academy) hired a theatre at the University (remember the Melbourne Islamic peace conference), where the same segregation principles applied. There have apparently been other cases at the university also. It is interesting that after the IREA gave a lecture at University College London, and applied the same segregation rules, that University refused to rehire theatres to them.

The ICV (Islamic Council of Victoria) "supports initiatives of the Muslim Community held in accordance with Islamic guidance and legal norms" and finds no fault with segregation at the university function..
Further, the ICV hides behind Australia's legal obligations of freedom of religion. Under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 section 37  says -"the prohibition of gender discrimination does not affect an act or PRACTICE that conforms to the doctrines, tenets, or beliefs of that religion". This is a point made by the Vice Chancellor Glyn Davis saying there are two sides to this debate.

Be aware women of Australia, if Islamic religious practice is legal in this country, then welcome to Saudi Arabia and the middle ages.
Stand up against outdated sexual segregation, don't let cultural relativism and political correctness erode the equality and freedoms we have for all women in this country.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Peace, Love and Harmony

Is Islam - peace, love and harmony, or hate, war and chaos?


We are constantly told Islam is a religion of peace. Absolute rubbish. First. Islam is not a religion, it is an intolerant totalitarian ideology. It is very important to understand Islam is not a religion, but an ideology covering laws, politics, religion and culture. Islam plans to conquer the world and establish a global caliphate.

Second. Well documented history tells us that the spread of Islam under Mohammad was bathed in blood. Mohammad initially slaughtered caravan traders to raise funds, he broke his truce with the Meccans, and he and his followers waged constant war to convert much of the world to Islam. Conversion by the sword, not by the word. It has always been a violent ideology, and the murder of Ali started the great schism, of Shia versus Sunni. Worse than the Irish!!

Of the 630 or so verses in the Koran (God's absolute word) there are vastly more verses regarding violence than there are verses of a peaceful nature. About 164 verses on jihad, 109 verses calling Muslims to war with non believers, and so on.
According to 'the religion of peace website' there have been 2853 people killed in Muslim terrorist attacks so far this year. Bombs, shootings and executions. This figure excludes the people shooting each other in Syria or Afghanistan, and domestic 'honour' killings. The majority of these 2853 murders are Muslims killing Muslims. Many more people have been wounded.

Not exactly peaceful.


'Behead the unbelievers', 'Death to the infidels', 'Annihilate the Jews, wipe the pigs and children of apes from the face of the earth'. In Australia we saw on TV the young girl advocating violent jihad. All good loving words.
Don't tell me how Islam is a religion of love -absolute rubbish - to repeat, it is not a religion,it is an intolerant violent totalitarian ideology.

In the Koran in 10 places it tells Muslims not to befriend non-Muslims. The Koran is often explicit in how to treat the non-believers: with brutality and violence. Certainly not love. There is a bare 23 verses on love and peace. If you cannot befriend a non-Muslim, then you certainly cannot love one.

Islam is not a loving religion.


Harmony within Islam. Rubbish. The points above show clearly harmony and Islam are completely incompatible. If there ever was harmony in Mohammad's day it certainly ended on his death, and has been violent since the murder of Ali. Sunnis killing Shias and visa versa for nearly 1400 years.

Of the 2853 terror attack deaths this year, (see above) most are Muslims killing Muslims. Good Muslims are not allowed to befriend non-Muslims, even if they are living in the country of the non-Muslims - is this harmony? Christians have been in Egypt far longer than Muslims, but here again Egyptian Christians are being slaughtered by Egyptian Muslims. Harmony?

Tayyip Erdogan, the prime minister of Turkey, told Muslims in Germany there is no need to assimilate, in fact they must not assimilate. How can we have harmony if assimilation of the host country's values is forbidden. The establishment of Muslim ghettos in western cities, where non- Muslims are forbidden to enter, hardly leads to harmonious relationships. There is no harmony within Islam and equally none when Muslims deal with non-Muslims.

Islam is not peace, love and harmony


Monday 8 April 2013

20% pay rise each year?

ASIO the Australian security and intelligence organisation's budget has been growing on average over 20% each year for the last 10 years. The budget is now $410 million.

That is one hell of an increase, they now employ over 1800 people.10 years ago they employed 500 people. On top of this cost they had to build a new headquarters, the cost at last estimate $631million. One year they had to have a $70million fund injection on top of their budget.

This headquarters will be completely full by the time ASIO move in later this year.
So what is driving this massive growth? – you don't have to be a genius to guess, in the words of ASIO's 2011/12 annual report:

"Violent jihadist ideology"

Jihadism is merely an extreme form of Islamism, and as Mary Habeck, associate professor of strategic studies at of John Hopkins University says, Jihadists proselytize (recruit), moderate Muslims don't recruit. This means even greater ASIO expenditure to keep up with Jihadist growth. The Australian of the 8th April 2013 says ASIO is overrun by the horde of boat people arriving illegally on Australia's shores.
On top of all this cost, we have governments spending $millions on strengthening infrastructure, airport taxes for all the airport security, even more $millions, and so on and so on.

Has the time come:
  •  To stop Islamic immigration into this country, and look at deporting all those who do anything illegal?
  •  No permanent residency for 10 years after arrival?
  •  No tax payer funded baby welfare payments after the third child?

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Welcome to all adulterers

We pay the Tribunal over $50 million per year for mind blowing decisions like this. I love it, he might have trouble finding housing and employment in Iraq so come to Australia and live on welfare.

$50 million for decisions like this.

Adultery now reason for refuge

AN adulterous Iraqi taxi driver has been awarded an Australian refugee visa after he convinced the Refugee Review Tribunal he would be hunted down by an infuriated husband who caught him in an tryst with his wife.
The Shia refugee, who arrived by boat from Indonesia in December 2011, claimed the husband, an Iraqi soldier, chased him through city streets after uncovering the affair, repeatedly firing a handgun at him.
Although his asylum claim was initially rejected by the Immigration Department, the refugee was among more than 500 boatpeople to successfully appeal their case at the Refugee Review Tribunal since July.
The Australian reported yesterday that in the past eight months, three quarters of boatpeople who appealed against their failed asylum claims in the RRT have been rewarded with permanent residency in Australia.
The tribunal accepted the Iraqi man had no viable asylum claim under the 1951 Refugee Convention but decided to grant him "complementary protection" because he would probably have faced serious harm if returned.
Giving evidence to the tribunal, the taxi driver recounted how his 31-year marriage to a cousin had grown tiresome - including in the bedroom - when an attractive, unmarried 38-year-old woman hired his cab in 2006.
They struck up an instant rapport and, after five meetings, the infatuated man approached her family with a plan to divorce his wife and wed the younger woman.
The offer, which was made behind his wife's back, was rebuffed. A marriage was instead arranged to the Iraqi soldier, whom her family liked better.
The taxi driver and his lover were apart for six months, until the woman began inviting him over for sex whenever her husband was at work, often twice a week.
The affair ended after 18 months, when the soldier came home earlier than expected at 9pm one night. The taxi driver was frightened for his life - extramarital relations are sometimes punished by "honour killing" in extreme Islamic circles - and scaled a wall into the front garden.
The soldier, recognising the taxi driver and incensed by what he had uncovered, drew his handgun and gave chase, firing several rounds at him through the darkness.
As the soldier and his family hunted for him, the taxi driver fled across Iraq's southern border to Kuwait. The refugee's family sought to negotiate a truce, but the soldier was in no mood to deal.
After flying to Malaysia, he reached Indonesia before making the treacherous month-long journey to Australia aboard a smuggler's boat.
His mistress was beaten by her husband until she confessed the affair, and he then divorced her.
Refugee Review Tribunal member Rosemary Mathlin found in December that although he did not fear harm for a convention reason - such as race or political opinion - she awarded "complementary protection" because it was "highly probable that if the applicant returns to Iraq he will be killed by the husband of his former lover".
Ms Mathlin said it would be unreasonable to expect the man, from Thi Qar province in Iraq's south, to resettle elsewhere in Iraq, such as a Shia neighbourhood in Baghdad, even if the husband did not find him.
"Without (tribal and family connections) he would face discrimination in relation to housing, employment and basic services, and . . . he may even face physical danger."
Iraqi law prescribes a lesser sentence for "honour killing" than it does for murder.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Islamic peace conference

On the weekend of 16/17 March the Islamic Peace conference will be held at the Royal Agricultural Society Showgrounds in Melbourne, Australia, and is supported by several Australian institutions, including Melbourne University.

Apparently the conference is in some disarray – the volunteers are slow to come forward, 1000 were needed – and the money is not flowing in. 20,000 people were expected for this Islamic promotion. So the big event could be cancelled.


First, the title 'Islamic peace conference' is an oxymoron, the main speakers are not exactly peaceful.

· The main speaker (visa permitting) is the Iman of Mecca, who has called for the annihilation of all Jews, and calls Christianity a poisonous culture. Peaceful stuff.

Other key speakers also have peaceful messages:

· Kill all homosexuals

· Every Muslim should be a terrorist

· Death to any who leave Islam

· Death to those who insult Islam

· Support for the twin Towers attack

and no doubt others have more peaceful messages.

My last blog entitled "Free Speech Nobbled" was about Geert Wilders visit, who was denied venues to give his talks, because people thought him extreme. The only time he talked about killing was in terms of the Muslims who have vowed to kill him.

Where is the Australian concept of a "fair go"?

Friday 22 February 2013

Free speech nobbled

Below is letter published in The West Australian Newspaper:

Shame on Western Australia

Shame on WA, when a visiting politician, who has spoken in the US Senate, the British House of Lords and other European parliaments, is not allowed to speak to people in Perth.
WA residents have been denied the opportunity to listen to visiting Dutch politician Geert Wilders. Why? Because he is opposed to Islam – so what.
The Federal and WA governments refused to even speak to him, let alone provide a venue. Commercial speaking venues have broken contracts for unspecified reasons. Are they all scared of protesters and social activists? So scared that they have stifled free speech and diversity of opinion in WA.

In late January I blogged that I was concerned about free speech and freedom of association. Well, in Western Australia Geert Wilders was not allowed to speak in public. The Federal Government would not provide a venue, and Colin Barnett (the State premier) refused any assistance, and said Geert Wilders was not welcome here. Mr Barnett does not speak for all Wesernt Australians.
Commercial venues were also frightened off. Several accepted the booking and then cancelled, the last one which was fully paid for in Perth, Western Australia, cancelled at 9.20 pm on the Friday night before the talk on Wednesday. Due to security concerns, no venue could be found at such short notice. And so, we who had booked tickets were deprived our right to listen to Mr Wilders.
Similar antics occured in Melbourne and Sydney, the Melbourne talk finally took place at a slightly out of town venue, and 500 people paid, attended and braved the agressive protesters, who screamed, shouted and tried to stop people attending. The police had to move in to stop their nonsense. The protesters were unclear if they were protesting about the 'underclass', the Palestinians or Pauline Hanson. I have read Geert Wilders' speech and it is not about class, race, Palestine or Pauline Hanson.
Geert is a proponent of free speech, and as a result of criticising Islam, he has lost his freedom. He has to go everywhere with several full time security people, he cannot walk down the street without security and disguise. He and his wife live in a secret house, and his wife also has no freedom.
Surely governments and social acitivists should be protesting about the Muslims who want to kill him, for merely speaking freely.

But No 

The Government of this country (Australia) will allow people such asTaji Mustafa – the British leader of Muslim extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir; and Sheik Al-Sudais – who says Christians have a poisonous culture and Jews are the rats of the world – into this country to talk. Universities are happy to provide venues, and local councils offer facilities. So if you criticize Christian values, that is all OK; but if you criticise Islamic values, it is an absolute no no, and you will be risking your life.
 It is reported that Julia Gillard has agreed to attend the "Islamic Peace Conference" (a real oxymoron) – to be held in March in Melbourne, which includes many of the extreme Muslim speakers. Will she wear a hijab, out of deference to their cultural values?
It appears that only the politically correct brigade and left-wing progressives have the right in Australia to free speech. But why, when a democratically elected leader of a major party in a western democracy has been invited by Australians to talk, he is not allowed. He is branded by those, who have never really listened to him speak, as 'extreme', and full of 'hate speak'. That is a lie, and those who wish to shut him up because his views are different from theirs, are extreme and full of hate speak.

Shame on us

Our politicians and all Australians should be standing up for free speech, not trying to close it down.


Tuesday 12 February 2013

The stupid media

I am anything but a fan of Julia Gillard, or her partner (whatever he is), Tim Mathieson. However the beat up made by the media on what was a harmless joke/comment when talking to principally a male audience , was ridiculous.
He was talking about prostate cancer, a subject of interest to him and to most males. He suggested that the PSA test was far from perfect, and the best test was the rectal digital test. An unpleasant experience so best to choose an asian with a small finger. In the context a fun remark, and for gods sake if we cannot make jokes like this where has our Australian sense of humour gone.
Various people got on the band wagon that it was inappropriate, racist etc. etc. even Tony Abbott did not laugh it off. So Mathieson had to appologise and Julia said he could have chosen his words better.
This is political correctness gone mad, and if Nichola Roxons anti discrimination bill is ever passed there will be no room for jokes which have any sort of innuendo.

Monday 4 February 2013

Halal baby shampoo

Whatever next. Johnson and Johnsons baby shampoo is now Halal certified. There must be a reason that a large company pays a fee to have its Baby shampoo certified halal, but the reason is not obvious to me.
The halal certification business is huge, world wide billions probably trillions of dollars. Usually it refers to food products, but as the baby shampoo indicates certification is not limited to food.
There may be a need for some products sold to the Middle East or Islamic countries to have Halal certification. However from my own observations in these countries, their stores have lots of products that give no indication they are Halal, and I have never noticed Muslims shopping in our stores in Australia reading the labels to check if the product is halal.
In Australia most products that are certified halal do not have a symbol advertising he fact, so how does one know that the food is halal.
  • Does certification improve the quality or nutritional value of the food- NO
  • Does certification ensure good quality control over the production-NO- we have ample laws covering health and safety.
  • Does certification lower the standard of our food-NOT USUALLY
  • Does certification increase the price of the product-YES- a fee has to be paid to an Islamic body for the certification each year.
  • Does certification increase the cost of production-SOMETIMES- Halal slaughtermen are sometimes paid more that non muslim slaughtermen.
The reasons many many companies small and large pay money to Islamic certifying bodies, is unclear however that is not the big question, the big question is:

What happens to the money paid for certification

Where does the billions of dollars raised certifying products go? The income is above the cost of certifying, so does the surplus go into building Mosques in the resident country, does it go to helping poor communities, is it just used corruptly to make some people rich. A video on air  showed the head of the Halal certifying bodies, stating that halal certification had made him personally, very very rich. 
Or does some of it get sent overseas to help terrorist organisations? Overseas money paid for halal certification has been traced to terrorist organisations.. To my knowledge no one in Australia knows, and the certifying bodies are not saying. The NSW police are still I believe  investigation the Australian Federation Of Islamic Councils -AFIC- over the disappearance of millions of dollars of money given to Islamic schools by the NSW and Australian Government. The NSW government has asked for the return of over $9.0 million. I wonder where it is?

This talk below could be extremely interesting and a real eye opener for any with some doubts about Islam


Monday 21 January 2013

Freedom of speech and association

Freedom of speech and association seems to be a one sided right. The unionists, progressive left and human rights advocates, are fierce defenders of free speech. That is until someone expresses a differing view from theirs, and then they become the most ferocious attackers of free speech and association. Australians will remember, hopefully with shame, the disgraceful behaviour of the progressives towards Pauline Hanson. A simple politician, who had a view, that all in Australia should be treated equally-One Nation. This meant that some groups who had special privileges would lose them. She was branded as extremist, far right, and whenever she tried to give a talk anywhere, her venues were invaded by screaming egg throwing unionists, progressives and human rights activists - denying her the right to present her views. Hardly democratic. She still won nearly 15% of the vote.
Now we have a visit of a democratically elected member of the Democratic Dutch Parliament. Polls say his party is now tied with the Dutch labour party making it equal with the largest Dutch parliamentary party. Now many will disagree with his views that Islamic multiculturalism in Europe has been a disaster,that all immigrants should seek to actively assimilate Dutch values, that Islamic immigration should be stopped. In a democracy people have every right to disagree with other peoples views, this has made the West great, and I endorse their right to disagree, and their freedom to speak their mind.

However I do not agree

with attempts to prevent him from speaking in public. The Dutch governent provides him with 24/7 security to protect him from being killed by Islamic extremists. Australia's federal government delayed giving him a visa to enter Australia in 2012 long enough so his visit could not go ahead at that time. The government condemns his views that Islam/Sharia law are not compatible with western culture and values. The government had no problem issuing a visa to a Muslim cleric Taj Mustafa who was proposing the setting up of an Islamic caliphate in Australia, and allowed a very young girl to promote jihad. Even the most liberal left organisation the Europen Court of Human rights has found that Islam/Sharia law are not compatable with westen democratic rights.
Colin Barnett the premier of Western Australia has forbidden that any government facilities be made available to this Dutch politician on his visit to Western Australia. The Westpac bank after agreeing to help set up a ticketing purchase site, withdrew the offer since they felt it was inappropriate. Since when has a bank been the guardians of our moral values. Several venues after agreeing to the use of their facilities for his talk then reneged on their offer. I doubt the venues were making a moral judgement, they were just scared that the great proponents of free speech and assosciation would cause havoc and damage their business in attempts to close down the right of this man to express his views of declining freedom in Europe.
One can anticipate that when Mr Geert Wilders arrives there will be protests, by those who disagree with his views, and that is their right in this democratic country. However it is not their right to try and stop others who wish to listen to his views, from heariing his talk. The organisers of his visit The Qsociety will not release details of the venue till a day or so beforehand to again try and limit disruption by the left wing activists. 

Wednesday 9 January 2013

They are all mad.

A soldier's words.

I was recently in the Philippines, a land with the friendliest people I have ever met.

One day my wife and I decided to explore the hills above Dumaquete. To do this we caught a bus and for the last 13 kms had to travel up a rough track on the back of a motorbike. My wifes motor bike driver was called Mario, an ex soldier who had spent 35 years in the army.

For the last 17years he was based in Mindanao Island. The Philippines is extremely Catholic the result of some 400 years of Spanish occupation.However on the large southern island of Mindanao, there has always been a significant Muslim population, owing to its proximity to Indonesia and Malaysia.

Periodically some of these Muslims become terrorists, and seek in their usual extremely violent way some sort of autonomy, which they have been granted. Hence the Philippine army maintains a significant presence there to stop the bombings and murders.

Mario said this about these Muslims:
  • They are all mad
  • They are lazy
  • They hate Christians
  • They fight and kill each other
  • The terrorists rob, kidnap and murder people
  • They rape old women
  • They have no respect for men in uniform
Words from someone who knows,-17 years experience- and it rings true of what we often read in the news.

I do not believe that  people with a strong Muslim faith are compatable with democracy and good citizenship.