Thursday 18 April 2013

Peace, Love and Harmony

Is Islam - peace, love and harmony, or hate, war and chaos?


We are constantly told Islam is a religion of peace. Absolute rubbish. First. Islam is not a religion, it is an intolerant totalitarian ideology. It is very important to understand Islam is not a religion, but an ideology covering laws, politics, religion and culture. Islam plans to conquer the world and establish a global caliphate.

Second. Well documented history tells us that the spread of Islam under Mohammad was bathed in blood. Mohammad initially slaughtered caravan traders to raise funds, he broke his truce with the Meccans, and he and his followers waged constant war to convert much of the world to Islam. Conversion by the sword, not by the word. It has always been a violent ideology, and the murder of Ali started the great schism, of Shia versus Sunni. Worse than the Irish!!

Of the 630 or so verses in the Koran (God's absolute word) there are vastly more verses regarding violence than there are verses of a peaceful nature. About 164 verses on jihad, 109 verses calling Muslims to war with non believers, and so on.
According to 'the religion of peace website' there have been 2853 people killed in Muslim terrorist attacks so far this year. Bombs, shootings and executions. This figure excludes the people shooting each other in Syria or Afghanistan, and domestic 'honour' killings. The majority of these 2853 murders are Muslims killing Muslims. Many more people have been wounded.

Not exactly peaceful.


'Behead the unbelievers', 'Death to the infidels', 'Annihilate the Jews, wipe the pigs and children of apes from the face of the earth'. In Australia we saw on TV the young girl advocating violent jihad. All good loving words.
Don't tell me how Islam is a religion of love -absolute rubbish - to repeat, it is not a religion,it is an intolerant violent totalitarian ideology.

In the Koran in 10 places it tells Muslims not to befriend non-Muslims. The Koran is often explicit in how to treat the non-believers: with brutality and violence. Certainly not love. There is a bare 23 verses on love and peace. If you cannot befriend a non-Muslim, then you certainly cannot love one.

Islam is not a loving religion.


Harmony within Islam. Rubbish. The points above show clearly harmony and Islam are completely incompatible. If there ever was harmony in Mohammad's day it certainly ended on his death, and has been violent since the murder of Ali. Sunnis killing Shias and visa versa for nearly 1400 years.

Of the 2853 terror attack deaths this year, (see above) most are Muslims killing Muslims. Good Muslims are not allowed to befriend non-Muslims, even if they are living in the country of the non-Muslims - is this harmony? Christians have been in Egypt far longer than Muslims, but here again Egyptian Christians are being slaughtered by Egyptian Muslims. Harmony?

Tayyip Erdogan, the prime minister of Turkey, told Muslims in Germany there is no need to assimilate, in fact they must not assimilate. How can we have harmony if assimilation of the host country's values is forbidden. The establishment of Muslim ghettos in western cities, where non- Muslims are forbidden to enter, hardly leads to harmonious relationships. There is no harmony within Islam and equally none when Muslims deal with non-Muslims.

Islam is not peace, love and harmony


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