Monday 21 January 2013

Freedom of speech and association

Freedom of speech and association seems to be a one sided right. The unionists, progressive left and human rights advocates, are fierce defenders of free speech. That is until someone expresses a differing view from theirs, and then they become the most ferocious attackers of free speech and association. Australians will remember, hopefully with shame, the disgraceful behaviour of the progressives towards Pauline Hanson. A simple politician, who had a view, that all in Australia should be treated equally-One Nation. This meant that some groups who had special privileges would lose them. She was branded as extremist, far right, and whenever she tried to give a talk anywhere, her venues were invaded by screaming egg throwing unionists, progressives and human rights activists - denying her the right to present her views. Hardly democratic. She still won nearly 15% of the vote.
Now we have a visit of a democratically elected member of the Democratic Dutch Parliament. Polls say his party is now tied with the Dutch labour party making it equal with the largest Dutch parliamentary party. Now many will disagree with his views that Islamic multiculturalism in Europe has been a disaster,that all immigrants should seek to actively assimilate Dutch values, that Islamic immigration should be stopped. In a democracy people have every right to disagree with other peoples views, this has made the West great, and I endorse their right to disagree, and their freedom to speak their mind.

However I do not agree

with attempts to prevent him from speaking in public. The Dutch governent provides him with 24/7 security to protect him from being killed by Islamic extremists. Australia's federal government delayed giving him a visa to enter Australia in 2012 long enough so his visit could not go ahead at that time. The government condemns his views that Islam/Sharia law are not compatible with western culture and values. The government had no problem issuing a visa to a Muslim cleric Taj Mustafa who was proposing the setting up of an Islamic caliphate in Australia, and allowed a very young girl to promote jihad. Even the most liberal left organisation the Europen Court of Human rights has found that Islam/Sharia law are not compatable with westen democratic rights.
Colin Barnett the premier of Western Australia has forbidden that any government facilities be made available to this Dutch politician on his visit to Western Australia. The Westpac bank after agreeing to help set up a ticketing purchase site, withdrew the offer since they felt it was inappropriate. Since when has a bank been the guardians of our moral values. Several venues after agreeing to the use of their facilities for his talk then reneged on their offer. I doubt the venues were making a moral judgement, they were just scared that the great proponents of free speech and assosciation would cause havoc and damage their business in attempts to close down the right of this man to express his views of declining freedom in Europe.
One can anticipate that when Mr Geert Wilders arrives there will be protests, by those who disagree with his views, and that is their right in this democratic country. However it is not their right to try and stop others who wish to listen to his views, from heariing his talk. The organisers of his visit The Qsociety will not release details of the venue till a day or so beforehand to again try and limit disruption by the left wing activists. 

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