Tuesday 12 February 2013

The stupid media

I am anything but a fan of Julia Gillard, or her partner (whatever he is), Tim Mathieson. However the beat up made by the media on what was a harmless joke/comment when talking to principally a male audience , was ridiculous.
He was talking about prostate cancer, a subject of interest to him and to most males. He suggested that the PSA test was far from perfect, and the best test was the rectal digital test. An unpleasant experience so best to choose an asian with a small finger. In the context a fun remark, and for gods sake if we cannot make jokes like this where has our Australian sense of humour gone.
Various people got on the band wagon that it was inappropriate, racist etc. etc. even Tony Abbott did not laugh it off. So Mathieson had to appologise and Julia said he could have chosen his words better.
This is political correctness gone mad, and if Nichola Roxons anti discrimination bill is ever passed there will be no room for jokes which have any sort of innuendo.

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