Friday 26 October 2012

Muslim Branding on Our Food

A food company Dick Smith's Foods has come out firmly, with a policy that it is not paying money to an Islamic organisation, to have their food products certified as Halal. Hurray lets hope more companies do.

Nor have they ever been asked by a Christian organisation to pay for certification. The link above explains more.

Since apparently the fees for Halal certification are significant, I ask again where does the money for certification go to. ? I hope not overseas to Muslim organisations.

Remember that AFIC the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils is under police investigation concerning the apparent disappearance of millions of dollars of taxpayer funded money given to Muslim Schools. It has not revealed where the money it gets for certification goes.

If You object to paying a fee to an Islamic organisation which is not open about where the money goes then please   Sign the petition

I am not actually promoting OzEmite, as I prefer Promite!,  which is not halal certified either, but when you buy Vegemite you are giving some money to AFIC.

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