Monday 26 November 2012

What did you eat for breakfast


            This morning, when you smeared vegemite on your toast, you were giving money to the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils. Their use of your money is less than transparent, and I doubt that it is for your benefit or Australia’s. If the bread for your toast was made by Tip Top Bakeries, you gave more money to the Islamic Councils. Likewise if the butter was Western Star, or if you used Wescobee honey instead of Vegemite, you gave even more money to the Islamic Councils. You may not have known that your eating habits are supporting Islamic causes.

Perhaps you did not have toast, but Weetbix or Allbran or Kellog’s corn flakes, and perhaps you poured milk with the Woolworths or Coles brand on your cereal –  then you gave still more money to Islamic causes. If you finished your breakfast with a cup of Nescafe, you also gave money to the Islamic Councils.

            Most consumers probably like yourself, who have a typical Australian breakfast, have NO idea that a portion of your purchase price is being paid to Islamic Councils for Halal certification, because most companies do not advertise the fact. At least Vegemite has the certification symbol  on the label AFIC – the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils.

            Who are AFIC and what do they do? They appointed that  notorious man, Taj el Din-Hilaly, as head Mufti of Australia. A convicted criminal, and well known for his anti-Australian rhetoric (remember he called Australian women cats’ meat). AFIC received funding from Gadaffi of Libya. More recently, the NSW Minister of Education has asked the NSW police and ASIC to investigate AFIC to determine where the millions of dollars of government money given to Islamic schools has actually gone.

            To say that the use of money paid by you and other consumers to Islamic Councils for Halal certification is less than transparent is perhaps an understatement, but again, I doubt it is for your benefit. If you agree with me then please   Sign the Petition  and maybe we can start to change things.


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